Tye Tribbett opens up about his new project, "FRESH," and how it reflects his life.

Check out the Interview:
-> There have been a lot of changes in your life since the release of Victory. What’s been going on with Tye?
Tye: Restoration Renewal and reFRESHing!.. It's been a difficult transition however God is doing a NEW thing, and I'm excited.
-> What’s the concept behind Fresh? How does the title of the album reflect your own life?
Fresh comes from Isa. 43:18,19 where God says remember not the former things neither consider the things of old, behold I do a new thing! Hence the theme FRESH!.. I'm saying God is doing a new thing in my life, in my marriage, in my ministry, in my business and everything is FRESH! This theme came last year while seeking God after committing adultery. I was either going to seek God or commit suicide! I was to that point daily, I was so ashamed, I felt so guilty and condemned, and I just felt like I couldn't face life anymore, because I let God down, However i realized that God is mot that type of God! And I thank God that my pastors, Dr. Ken and Dr. June Robinson was there to walk us through the process of restoration and continue to walk with us to this day.
-> We hear you recorded a lot of your album in LA, tell us about being away from familiar surroundings.
it was FRESH being in a different environment, a much needed change at the time.
-> What song on the album has the most meaning for you, and why?
Only Help!.. When you hear it YOU'll see!!!
- Do you have any upcoming collaborations or are you featured on any upcoming projects?
No, I shut down a whole year from doing anything!
- > Having Manwell Reyes produce you was a new experience. What did he bring out in you as producer that you might not have brought out in yourself? Do you plan to work with other producers in the future.
Well I didn't "work with" Manwell, it was more of a I'll email you the song and you record it where ever you are type thing! But he's a great dude and his song really stretched me. I jut basically did exactly what he did lol
- > There are so many young people going through changes today, what advice can you give to parents about helping them and recognizing the signs of depression?
We gotta go back to prayer. That's where we find insight on what our kids are going through AND the wisdom on how to deal with it.
-> You mention in your bio that “Change is not an event, it’s a process.” Where are you in your personal process at this time?
I'm in a great place in the process of change. Although I'm broken, I'm happy and I'm content! I'm just excited and elated to have my wife and my kids, and we're doin great!
- > Your “thinking, business and patterns have changed.” What do you mean by your patterns?
Habits and daily regimens. For example I try not to lend myself to "idle time" where I'm just sitting doing nothing, because I know what an empty " tye mind" can lead to.
- > You are now in a “new season” of your life. How did that effect the lyrical content on this new CD and the selection of the artists that are featured?
It matured my writing, and gave my approach more compassion! Those that are featured on this project was there for me and more than that, they just fit the songs perfectly so I'm grateful.
-> You are a husband, father, gospel singer, songwriter, producer, preacher and businessman. How do you prioritize your responsibilities?
Well considering what my family has just endured, God has " knocked" priority into my system. I will let NOTHING come before my wife and my children, PERIOD!!
- > As a preacher, what is your responsibility to the church? How have they dealt with your admission of infidelity?
My responsibility as a preacher is to humble myself and continue to preach the truth in love. The church has been very embracing and Christ-like. I'm grateful
- > Suicide is a growing problem in our country. Since you admit to having thoughts of suicide during your recent dark period, will you be helping address this problem with others who can benefit from your personal experience?
Oh yes, I am extremely interested in sharing and com fronting this issue. I already have and the response is amazing.
- > How has the transition from Tye & G.A. to just Tye affected your family relationships since most of the members are family?
. Lol it was only four family members, and none of them were excused in my transition, aside from my mother who is no longer my manager. That was challenging at first, however it's a blessing now!
- Do you have the same band?
No. Everything FRESH!
- Will you bring G.A. back in the future or will you remain a solo artist?
I don't know, I would love to though!
- What’s next on the horizon?
. TV TV TV!!!! I'm looking to do a TV show, and also doing a LOT more preaching! Also my annual "FRESH SPRINGBREAK" .. March 2011
By Indygospel.com
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